What's New
Version 8
Release 6
Revision 7, (Aug 2024)
(Public: Aug 08, 2024)
- ---- Version 8.6.7 released. (Aug 08, 2024)
- New program cutcpd to reduce the dimensionality of a cpd
by fixing selected DOFs in a cpd file to reference values.
(MS 02/24)
- The routines adpop and adproj have been extended to enable the
calculation of off-diagonal elements of the electronic density
matrix. (The diagonal elements are the populations). For adpop
this feature is restricted to two state cases.
((HDM 02/24)
- minstall (on .mctdhrc) now can install a quantics directory
as well.
((HDM 03/24)
- flux now knows the option/keyword projonly. It then performs
only the projection step. See also wfproj86. Note that the
created file prjpsi contain the projected WF in case of MCTDH,
but not in case of ML-MCTDH. In case of ML-MCTDH the SPFs of
the projected modes are simply replaced with the overlap with
the projecting function put to the first grid point. Hence these
WFs cannot be propagated, but one may compute its norm, etc.
((HDM 03/24)
- New option "nocap" implemented in flux. It computes
flux(E) = <Psi(E)|P|Psi(E)>
wtt(t) = <Psi(t)|P|Psi(t)>
where P denotes a projector. Operators can be used as well.
Running fux86 with the -nocap option and a projector, which
projects onto an excited state of the DOF or mode under discussion,
can be very helpful for assigning a peak in a spectrum.
((HDM 03/24)
- plgpop, rdgpop86: Plotting of grid-populations of individual el-states
is now possible, if gridpop=el was given in propagation.
((HDM 04/24)
- The exp-DVR is no longer retricted to odd numbers of grid points,
it may now use even numbers as well.
((HDM 05/24)
- The projector 'read', used in flux and wfproj, is now easier to use.
It is no longer requested that the full set of DVRs between system
and foreign restart file are consistent, only the DVRs of the mode
under consideration must be consistent. In the input one has now to
additionally provide the mode number on the foreign file as the last
integer before the end symbol %. See the HTML docu.
((HDM 07/24)
- New program wfmount for modifying an initial ML-wavefunction.
Wfmount mounts an (ML-)MCTDH wavefunction as a sub-tree into an
existing ML-MCTDH wavefunction.
(MS 07/24)
Revision 6, (Feb 2024)
(Public: Feb 02, 2024)
- ---- Version 8.6.6 released. (Feb 02, 2024)
- New routine rdrestart86 implemented.
It reads the info part of an restart file and prints
most of it to screen. In particular it prints normthermal.
Guide chaper 15 (thermalization) is updated.
((HDM 02/24)
- New option override-initrank when
reading initial cpd from file in mccpd. Some more
symmetry checks in mccpd. Some bug-fixes for mccpd and
mcpotfit when using MPI.
(MS 01/24)
- ACAP (automatic CAP) did not work properly for
continuation runs, fixed.
((HDM 01/24)
- The change of norm during a thermal relaxation is
stored in normthermal and is written to log and
restart file.
((HDM 12/23)
- campactoper will simply transcribe PES or OPER
files to cpd or hcpd format if the the output rank
(-r option) is equal to the input rank.
(MS 11/23)
- Routines which handle ml-operators (ml-potfits) are
no longer called when there are no ml-operators.
((HDM 11/23)
- Fixed crash of propagation when using MPI.
(MS 11/23)
- New option for compactoper to start with a Hermitian
or anti-Hermitian guess.
(MS 11/23)
- Determination of Hamiltonian properties
(real/complex, Hermitian/non-Hermitian) is corrected.
Uncorrelated and correlated parts of the Hamiltonian
are analyzed separately.
((HDM 10/23)
- More than one electronic bases are possible for
((HDM 8/23)
- "set terminal x11" and "-geometry +0+0" removed
from plot-routines, as those commands created problems on
((HDM 7/23)
Revision 5, (June 2023)
(Public: June 28, 2023)
- ---- Version 8.6.5 released. (June 28, 2023)
- Automatic parameter detection is improved.
The parameters maxham, maxpar, maxpes, and maxrd
are now automatically determined and should not be
given in an ALLOC-SECTION.
The mctdh program writes now the file opt-alloc to
name directory. This file displays the optimal
parameter values. One may simply copy/paste the
ALLOC-SECTION from there to the input file.
((HDM 06/23)
- For the DVRs HO and rHO (pbasis) one may use
parameters rather than numbers when specifying x-eq,
freq, and mass. Similarly, in a build-block of a
INIT_WF-SECTION one may use parameters for freq
and mass, when the type is HO.
((HDM 06/23)
- plflux now writes the correct energy symbol on x-axis.
chnpot: There are now keywords cpdfile and
cpddir or options -cf and -cd
for reading cpd-files. The option -cpd is obsolete.
((HDM 05/23)
- Bug fixed in mreport (missing 'int()' added).
CPLINES increased from 800 to 2000.
h3o2.op: Hamiltonian-Section for dipole operator added.
((HDM 05/23)
- Support for zsh (Mac).
((MS 05/23)
- crosscorr now knows the options -HC and -DT.
See crosscorr86 -h for details.
((HDM 05/23)
Revision 4, (April 2023)
(Public: April 06, 2023)
- ---- Version 8.6.4 released. (April 06, 2023)
- The stability of block improved relaxation with
symmetry (keyword: symcoeff=persist or
symcoeff=persist,dav) is improved.
((HDM 01/23)
- Bug fixes in psidat, flxgth.F90, and flxutils.F.
((HDM 02/23)
- New program compactoper that reduces the rank of
a sum-of-products operator in new sub-directory and
Moved natpot2cpd
chnpot into opertools directory. See also
Potfit/CANDECOMP Tools on the front page of the
HTML documentation.
(MS 03/23)
- The programs mcpotfit and mccpd may read
the integer parameter iup as argument of the
option -up. The parameter iup is passed to
userpot.F90. This allows to write userpot routines which
select between PES and a specified component of a
DMS. (See userpot.F90.h3o2 for an example).
(HDM and MS 03/23)
- npotminmax is overhauled and reading of CPD
files is added.
(HDM 03/23)
- rdcheck now knows the option -ec and
-ea for printing the total energy in cm$^{-1}$
or au, respectively. The option -diff prints
additionally E(t)-E(0).
(HDM 04/23)
- autospec now additionally writes the g5 filtered
spectrum to the 5th column of the output file. If -lin
is set, it writes additionally a g2 filtered spectrum to
the 5th column of the output file. This diminishes the need
to run autospec twice, once with -lin once without.
(HDM 04/23)
- There is a new version of the lab-session, which
may be downloaded from the packages website or via svn. This
new tutorial is migrated to MCTDH version 8.6 and contains
a new chapter on ML-MCTDH and mccpd.
(HDM 04/23)
Revision 3, (Jan 2023)
(Public: Jan 13, 2023)
- ---- Version 8.6.3 released. (Jan 13, 2023)
- flux86 now knows the option -lprojonly.
When set, flux86 produces a projected (reduced) WF
where one or several modes are removed.
(HDM 06/22)
- New routine rst2psi86 implemented.
It converts a restart file to psi format.
The routine twopdens86 can now work with
ML-wavefunctions as well.
((HDM 07/22)
- The compile scripts compile.cnf_le and compile.cnf_be
are updated. They can now detect the glibc version.
The scripts compile.cnf_lenp and compile.cnf_benp
are removed.
((HDM 12/22)
Revision 2, (May 2022)
(Public: May 18, 2022)
- ---- Version 8.6.2 released. (May 18, 2022)
- Added -hist2 option to chksampling for
creating 2D histograms.
(MS 05/22)
- Parameter values in subroutine parameter_defaults on
allocate_para.F90 are reduced. The current default values
for the parameters are displayed in the HTML-docu
"Input Documentation"/"ALLOC-SECTION".
(HDM 04/22)
- readspf (in build block) can now read not only
the first SPF, but higher SPFs as well. Moreover,
electronic SPFs of a single-set run can now be read by
(HDM 03/22)
- unmodified is a possible new argument to
relaxation (only for ML). If relaxation=unmodified
is set, then the initial Wf is precisely the Hartree
product as defined in a build block. Otherwise (for ML)
the initial WF is modified by adding small constants
to the A-vectors. The latter modification speeds-up
the relaxation, but in some cases this modification may
not be wanted.
- New flux-projectors p-1d and p-2d which project onto
1D or 2D momentum states.
(HDM 03/22)
- The convenient x=.. y=.. input of key 20 now
works for all tasks of showpot and showsys. Moreover,
rather than x=<DOF-number>, it is also
possible to write x=<modelabel>.
(HDM 03/22)
- Several pl-scripts know now the option "-% term", where
term is gnuplot terminal to be used (e.g. x11).
(HDM 03/22)
- sumspec has new options, in particular -prod,
which produces products rather than sums.
(HDM 02/21)
- flux86 can be run in parallel, using OpenMP.
(Compile with -P).
(HDM 02/21)
- -Os option added to flux. This option causes a
symmetrization like 0.5(O*F+F*O), where F is the flux
operator. Due to this symmetrization it is possible to
apply operators which act on the CAP-mode.
(HDM 01/22)
- The operator symbol p%<integer> is implemented.
p%k projects onto the k-th momentum grid point of an FFT grid.
Works only for FFT.
(HDM 01/22)
- rdgrid86 now prints the FFT momentum-grid if the
option -pgrd is given.
(HDM 01/22)
Revision 1, (December 2021)
(Public: December 21, 2021)
- ---- Version 8.6.1 released. (December 21, 2021)
- The version 8.6 contains now all programs of version 8.5.
(HDM 12/21)
- "thermal" in combination with ML did not work correctly.
The bug, noted by Yifan Lai, was introduced in the last
Bug fixed for ML-operate. It occurred only when a separable
operator did not have full rank.
(HDM 12/21)
- New program cpdcorrelation added. It computes
pair wise correlation entropy between modes of a cpd file.
(MS 11/21)
- New options -cov and -rem2 in chksampling for
writing the covariance matrix and to remove large energies
from trajectories. chksampling checks the sampling
points of a mccpd/mcpotfit run.
(MS 11/21)
- showsys corrected. There was a bug which occurred
when the number of packets was larger than the largest
gdim, and when rstxxx files of a block relaxation were
(HDM 10/21)
- showpot can now plot cpd files.
chnpot can now interpolate cpd files.
expect can now mix fft/sin/exp when reading
a psi-file from a different name-directory.
(HDM 08/21)
Revision 0, (June 2021)
(Public: June 24, 2021)
- ---- Version 8.6.0 released. (June 24, 2021)
- An ALLOC-SECTION can be added to the input
file. This allows to adapt the most important parameters
without re-compilation. The values of the
parameters maxdim and maxsta are detected
automatically. Currently the version 86 misses
potfit, mcpotfit, mccpd, vcham, fd_cmplx, fd_real.
I.e. the version 86 contains the mctdh program and all
analyse programs, except for those related to (mc-)potfit.
These are: npotminmax, showpot, natpot2cpd, and chksampling.
(HDM 06/21)
Version 8
Release 5
Revision 14, (June 2021)
(Public: June 24, 2021)
- ---- Version 8.5.14 released. (June 24, 2021)
- rdgpop now knows the option -last.
The keyword rho-norm is added to the
RK-integrators. The error-measure then includes the
density matrix. This avoids very small step sizes when
there are unoccupied SPFs. Works also for ML.
The RK integrators now take 5% smaller steps. This reduces
the number of repetition steps.
(HDM 05/21)
- SVD regularization of the EOM for the SPFs implemented.
See J.Chem.Phys. 148, 124105 (2018).
The new keyword "eps_svd" in integrator-section defines
the regularization parameter. If it is zero, no SVD
regularization, but normal density regularization is
performed. SVD regularization is not implemented for ML!
(HDM 03/21)
- Spawning of SPFs (dynamical SPFs) implemented. See
J.Chem.Phys. 153, 234114 (2020), the Run-Section
of the HTML-docu, and the section 8.2 of the guide.
Spawning is not implemented for ML!
(DMT 03/21)
- Added sections 2.8 and 15 to the guide. These sections
describe how to perform statistical thermalization.
There is also a new script runthermal on
$MCTDH_DIR/bin .
New options for rdcheck85, sumspec85 and mctdh85.
(HDM 12/20)
- Added section 14.7.2 to the guide on how to link
TNUM/TANA with mcpotfit or mccpd.
(MS 11/20)
- VCHAM updated. See
doc/vcham/scripts/pyr4_val/readme.txt .
(DMT 11/20)
- Ported python code to python3. (The files on
bin/python/oct are still python2. They will be ported soon).
(MS 11/20)
Revision 13, (September 2020)
(Public: Sep 30, 2020)
- ---- Version 8.5.13 released. (Sep 30, 2020)
- Important bug fixed in zeiginwf.F which could lead to
wrong results for runs with single-set electronic states.
(HDM 09/20)
- rdgpop now knows the option -s, which suppresses
informative-only part of output (short output).
(HDM 09/20)
- Mapping operators can be read in with the keyword
readmap.See "Hamiltonian Documentation/Lables-Section".
Mapping operators are useful for SQR-MCTDH.
The keyword numberproj in Run-Section allows to conserve
the particle number of each SPF in a SQR-MCTDH calculation.
(HDM and SS 09/20)
- autospec85 can now also read an expectation file.
This is useful for propagations starting from thermalized
(HDM 09/20)
- Bug fixed in rdspf84, format of prinout was incorrect
in some cases.
(HDM 09/20)
- mctdh84 now knows the option -thermal
by which the temperature and seed can be given
for a thermal relaxation.
(HDM 09/20)
- operate now works also for ML-wavefunctions.
(HDM 08/20)
- The selection of the DOFs of a density to be plotted
by showsys is made more convenient.
(HDM 07/20)
- showsys85 and dengen85 can now work with
(HDM 07/20)
- The Run-Section keywords expect and cross
now work for ML-runs. For cross, however,
identical trees, including identical numbers of SPFs
are required for system- and cross-WF.
(HDM 07/20)
- flux85 now has the full functionality for
ML-wavefunctions. Similarly, one may now use wfproj85
for ML-wavefunctions.
(HDM 07/20)
Revision 12, (June 2020)
(Public: June 25, 2020)
- ---- Version 8.5.12 released. (june 25, 2020)
- Bug fixed in expect85. PLeg operators and Wigner
operators with exp had been ignored. (On the fly
expectation worked correctly).
(HDM 06/20)
- Some output formats for vchfit85 (mainly for
operator file) have been changed. The use of 10 and
more electronic states is now possible.
(HDM 06/20)
- The thermalization procedure is overhauled.
(HDM 04/20)
- New script lownp.py, it reads and analyses
the lownatpop file.
(HDM 02/20)
- There is a new keyword allcomplete in
RUN-SECTION. If set, all SPFs are kept fixed
and the propagation is only through the A-vector.
One performs a standard method propagation in the
basis given by the initial SPFs.
(HDM 02/20)
- Several bug fixes in parallelization.
(MS 02/10)
Revision 11, (November 2019)
(Public: Nov 11, 2019)
- ---- Version 8.5.11 released. (Nov 11, 2019)
- Updates of mccpd and its ducumentation.
(MS 11/19)
- For Mac user: The compile scripts are now compatible
with Xcode 11. The gcc/gfortran compiler are assumed.
(HDM 11/19)
- First version of dynwf implemented. dynwf is an
algorithm for the dynamical expansion of the MCTDH
wavefunction (i.e. the numbers of SPFs) on-the-fly.
Currently this works only for MCTDH, but not for ML-runs.
See dynspf and initorb in HTML-docu,
(DMT 11/19)
- An ML-run now additionally writes the natural
populations of the non-bottom nodes to check file.
rdcheck85 and plnat now knows the option -ml, which
allows to print/plot the natural populations of non-bottom
nodes of an ML-run.
(HDM 10/19)
- With the new keyword operate_ortho a number is
substracted from the operator, O -> O-s, such that
the operated wavefunction is orthogonal to the initial one.
See the HTML docu (Init_WF-Section) for details.
(HDM 09/19)
- There is a new analyse routine, rdspf84, which
prints the SPF coefficients to screen.
(Developed by G. Worth).
(HDM 09/19)
- There is a new keyword, euclid, for the build part
of the Init_WF-Section. It generates an initial SPF where
only one grid point is populated. (I.e. the SPF is
represented by an euclidean vector). Similarly, there
is a new projector, pop1, for flux and wfproj.
It projects on a single grid point of an SPF.
(HDM 07/19)
- The action of the read keyword (see
Hamiltonian Documentation/Labels-Section) is extended.
With read one can now read in mode operators,
if they are represented by a real matrix. For reading
diagonal mode operators please use readsrf.
(Previously read could handle only DOF operators,
but not operators acting on a combined mode.)
(HDM 06/19)
- The generation of initially unoccupied SPFs is
overhauled. It is now more stable.
(HDM 04/19)
- The defaults of the GNU ar command have changed.
In the compile.cnf scripts the MCTDH_ARFLAGS is changed
from rlc to rlcU when the used ar command knows the
U-flag. (Problem noted by IU).
(HDM 03/19)
- Checkin of new program mccpd (Monte-Carlo
CPD/CANDECOMP). This is an alternative to Potfit and
MC-Potfit, but yields more compact potential representations.
mccpd can handle rather large problems (~30D).
See the HTML docu of mccpd.
(MS 03/19)
Revision 10, (Feb 2019)
(Public: Feb 07, 2019)
- ---- Version 8.5.10 released. (Feb 07, 2019)
- crosscorr now supports the option -M which treats
the reference WF as time-dependent. It hence can compute
time-dependent overlaps and matrix-elements.
(HDM 10/18)
- plgen can now read an input file (argument-file).
Try "plgen -f" to inspect an example argument-file.
There are also new options: -j, -J, -S, -B, -C.
(HDM 11/18)
- There is a new program: natpot2cpd. It read a
natpot file (generated by Potfit or MCPotfit) and converts
it to a canonical polyadic decomposition (CPD) (also known
as CANDECOMP or parallel factors). An alternating least
squares (ALS) algorithm is used.
(MS 12/18)
- The routine hfco.f on addsurf was buggy. Please
download addsurf again!
sumspec can now sum up to 9 data columns.
The tasks continuation, rdnpot, and cutnpot
of POTFIT and their documentation is overhauled.
(HDM 01/19)
Revision 9, (July 2018)
(Public: Jul 25, 2018)
- ---- Version 8.5.9 released. (Jul 25, 2018)
- Pthreads now working on MacOS (vers. >= 10.6)!
One needs GCC from MacPorts and must use little-endians.
(MS 05/18)
- Monte-Carlo Potfit Several improvements
for mcpotfit85 implemented. Among others:
Symmetry operations may now be defined by
coordinate-expressions (rather than being grid based).
Multiple trajectories possible for all samplings.
Extended grids are now also allowed for the contracted
(MS 05/18)
- The code for the thermalization of an initial
wavefunction is completely written anew.
Now the coefficients are randomized at the SPF level
(instead of the A-vector).
(DMT 06/18)
- Bugs in VCHAM fixed.
(DMT 07/18)
Revision 8, (February 2018)
(Public: Feb 13, 2018)
- ---- Version 8.5.8 released. (Feb 13, 2018)
- A new version of vcham is ported from Quantics.
(HDM 01/18)
- overlap85 knows the new option -p. With it
trace(P_bra P_ket) is written to the file projection,
where P_bra P_ket denote the projectors onto the SPF
spaces of the bra and the ket Wf, respectively.
(HDM 01/18)
- Monte-Carlo Potfit Some smaller improvements
for mcpotfit84 implemented. A chapter on Monte-Carlo
Potfit is added to the guide.
(MS 12/17)
Revision 7, (September 2017)
(Public: Sep 22, 2017)
- ---- Version 8.5.7 released. (Sep 22, 2017)
- Multi-Layer Operators (MLOps) are an alternative to
the sum-of-products representation of the Hamiltonian, and
allow for a (much) more efficient evaluation of the matrix
elements/equations of motion when ML-MCTDH is used. MLOps are
created by reading multi-layer potential fits (MLPFs) with
the mlpf keyword in the operator file.
Warning: This is a substantial change to some of the
core parts of (ML-)MCTDH, and as such may have unintended
side effects. You are therefore advised to check your results
against previous releases, and are asked to report any problems
or discrepancies you encounter.
Note: Most analysis programs do not yet work with
MLOps, except expect85.
(FO 2013−2017)
- Multi-Layer Potential Fits (MLPFs) can be
generated with the Multi-Layer Potfit (MLPF)
program. See the HTML-docu. Note that MLPF has to be
compiled separately, it is not compiled by the
MCTDH compile script.
(FO 2013−2017)
- It is now highly recommended to use a compiler that
fully supports Fortran2003.
- Monte-Carlo Potfit (mcpotfit85) code is further
improved, the MPI-parallelization is enhanced and a new
algorithm for symmetrizing a natpot is added. See
J.Chem.Phys. 147 (2017), 064105.
(MS 09/17)
- There is a new keyword select, which allows to
read a selected subset of initial SPFs from a foreign
restart file.
(HDM 09/17)
- Code for thermalization of an initial
MCTDH-wavefunction implemented.
(DMT 08/17)
- Compile scripts updated. The file
platform.cnf.priv.template is re-written.
(HDM 02/17)
- The keyword sdq was not properly treated in sin-DVR.
(HDM 01/17)
Revision 6, (November 2016)
(Public: Nov 25, 2016)
- ---- Version 8.5.6 released. (Nov 25, 2016)
- mreport updated, more files saved, three chunks
for large files.
(HDM 11/16)
- flux85 can now work with ML-wavefunctions.
Uncorrelated operators may be used, but correlated operators
and in particular projectors can currently not be used when
ML-wavefunctions are analyzed.
(HDM 11/16)
- A code for thermalization of an initial ML-wavefunction
is implemented.
(DMT 09/16)
- Major revision of MC-Potfit, parallelization improved.
(MS 08/16)
- One may now use the same restart file for the "file=..." and
"orthogonalise=..." statements of the MCTDH init_WF-Section.
In this case it is no longer necessary to use a copy of the
restart file.
(HDM 07/16)
- New program concat implemented. It generates a
(Hartree) product of two MCTDH wavefunctions.
(HDM 05/16)
Revision 5, (Apr 2016)
(Public: Apr 15, 2016)
- ---- Version 8.5.5 released. (Apr 15, 2016)
- Severe bug fixed in subroutine sortktms on heinsort.F .
This bug occurred only for LMR operators under certain conditions.
(Operator added with a none unit coefficient, and appeared
more than once).
Bug found and fixed by Falk Richter.
(HDM 03/16)
- compile scripts updated to work with GCC 5.* (Thanks to Frank)
The script install_mctdh now sets links to compile.cnf
and platform.cnf rather than copying the files.
(HDM 01/16)
- Routine norm is made compatible with ML-format.
(DMT 11/15)
- showsys can now plot the densities of split
restart files, rstxxx, even in the original name-directory
(with packets DOF).
Generating an extra name-directory
without the packets DOF is no longer needed.
(HDM 11/15)
- sumspec : works now also with 2 or 3 columns
jinpol : An extra file for energies may be given,
(option -ef)
(HDM 10/15)
Revision 4, (Sep 2015)
(Public: Sep 10, 2015)
- ---- Version 8.5.4 released. (Sep 10, 2015)
- The analyse program rdacoeff85 can now work
with psi files in ML format.
(DMT 08/15)
- New analyse program rdnatpot85. It reads a natpot
file and prints information on it to rdnatpot.log.
(HDM 06/15)
- The option -D writes the output to an external
directory when running showd1d, showsys, or showpot.
This is useful if one has no right to write to the
name directory.
(HDM 06/15)
- New script mreport that collects all relevant
data from a name directory. Intended for filing support
(MS 05/15)
- Monte-Carlo Potfit (mcpotfit85) code is improved,
in particular some parts are MPI-parallelized.
(MS 03/15)
- Coordinate transformation for potential energy surfaces
is added. The PES is to be defines in
See HTML-Docu:
Potfit/Input Documentation/transformation-section.
(KS 03/15)
- twprop, crosspec, autospec, sumspec: Blank lines
and lines that start with a '#' are ignored
when reading cross, auto, or spectrum files,
(HDM 11/14)
- Bug fixed in einmlbas.F. There was a boundary violation
when checking the correctness of the tree.
(HDM 11/14)
Revision 3, (October 2014)
(Public: Oct 13, 2014)
- ---- Version 8.5.3 released. (Oct 13, 2014)
- A first (experimental) version of Monte-Carlo
Potfit (mcpotfit85) is implemented. See HTML
(MS 10/14)
- The routine energdstr will find the energy interval for
the energy distribution (correction=dia) now more
(HDM 09/14)
- Bug fixed in gtheta on flxutils.F. Incorrect results
were produced by flux85 when electronic states were
(HDM 08/14)
- Index-out-of-bounds bug fixed in clusterbuild.
(MS 07/14)
- "Map" can be used to add up to three initial 1D-SPFs.
A dummy routine mpigetdavmatz is added, otherwise no
MPI compilation.
(HDM 06/14)
- Block-DAV and cDAV can now use a preconditioner.
Implementation done by Letitia.
(HDM 02/14)
- New Wigner operators, jpjz, jzjp, jpjzs, jzjps, etc.
implemented by Phillip Thomas.
(HDM 01/14)
- New keyword "readspf" for the build-section. This allows
to read an initial SPF from an external file.
Weights (w^1/2) may be multiplied to the function.
(HDM 06/14)
(FO 01/14)
- A large natpot can be reduced in size with the keyword
"reduce-pf" in Operator-Section.
(HDM 01/14)
- Parallel versions of "getdiagonal" and " bgetdiagonal"
(MS 12/13)
- expect85 can now handle ML-MCTDH wavefunctions.
(FO 12/13)
Revision 2, (November 2013)
(Public: November 22, 2013)
- ---- Version 8.5.2 released. (November 22, 2013)
- ml2mctdh now supports reading/writing restart files.
(FO 11/13)
- ML-MCTDH now supports reading non-ML restart files.
(FO 11/13)
- The HTML-docu for Improved-Relaxation is updated.
See Run-Section.
(HDM 11/13)
- Keyword realphi added to Run-Section.
Useful in RDAV-runs when FFT or PLeg is used.
Also keyword realpsi added to Init_WF-Section.
(HDM 11/13)
Revision 1, (September 2011)
(Public: September 27, 2011)
- ---- Version 8.5.1 released. (Aug 20, 2013)
- Continuation lines are now possible in the
Hamiltonian tableau.
(HDM 06/13)
- Wigner matrices implemented.
(PST 06/13)
- KLeg/PLeg operators, jpjm = j_+ * j_-
and jmjp = j_- * j_ are implemented.
(HDM 04/13)
- Multi-Layer MCTDH can now use shared-memory
This is realized via OpenMP directives. There is a
new compile switch, -P, which enables the relevant
compilation flags.
(FO 04/13)
- The embedded copies of BLAS and LAPACK are
(FO 03/13)
- The vpot generation of POTFIT has been
(FO 02/13)
- Parallel builds (compile -j)
now work without problems.
(FO 12/12)
- MPI communication is optimized in various subroutines.
The keyword summf2 is removed as summf2 is now default.
The old standard is established through the keywords
no-summf2 or summf1.
(MS 10/12)
- The keyword cutalong is added to the run-section
of potfit. It requests to perform a cut along a specified
DOF of the PES (both exact and fitted).
(DPR 08/12)
- A problem with flux is fixed. flux85 did not
work correctly, when the option -es was used and
a full projection was made.
(HDM 07/12)
- Option -lin added to autospec. If set, the box-filter
g0 is replaced by a linear filter g(t) = 1 - t/T.
The filters g1 and g2 are then replaced by linear
combinations of the linear filter with cos or
cos^2 filters, respectively. In plspec these filters
are accessible via the option -g3, -g4, or -g5.
(HDM 07/12)
- New keyword print-npot added to operator-section.
Most of the natpot-lines are now suppressed in the
op.log file, print-npop restores the previous behavior.
(HDM 06/12)
- Some tuning for the Runge-Kutta integrators
to achieve better step-size predictions. This may
require a slightly better accuracy setting.
(FO 03/12)
- New analyse program npotminmax implemented.
It is similar to vminmax but works directly with
natpot files.
(MS 03/12)
- Option -E added to showd1d. It shows the population
of all grid-point over time. This may be used to plot
electronic populations of single-set runs.
(HDM 01/12)
- Modified statistical analysis so that weighted
trajectories can be used. Documentation of
statistical analysis is updated.
(MS 02/12)
- A problem with plstate is fixed. This includes
a modification of rdcheck.F
(HDM 11/11)
- Keyword twall and option -twall added.
This allows to stop a run after some elapsed wall-time
(real time). Useful for parallelized runs.
(HDM 10/11)
Revision 0, (September 2011)
(Not Public)
- ---- Version 8.5.0 no release. (September, 2011)
- ML-MCTDH code, written in FORTRAN95, is added.
(OV 03/10 ... 12/10)
- All changes of version 8.4.7 are ported to 8.5.0
(HDM 09/11)
Version 8
Release 4
Revision 7, (September 2011)
(Public: September 27, 2011)
- ---- Version 8.4.7 released. (September 27, 2011)
- dvrweights.f modified to avoid overflow when very
long grids are used.
install_mctdh adjusted to allow longer path length.
(HDM 09/11)
- Formats for sys-time changed in timing.F to avoid
'***' output.
(HDM 08/11)
- Bug fixed in flux. Appeared when both options -O
and -es are used.
(HDM 08/11)
- Cluster-expansion related python tools. These include:
- statistical analysis ('clusterstat' and 'clusterana')
- sampling of clusters on a DVR ('clusterbuild')
- tool to test PES files generated by MCTDH ('chkpes').
(MS 06/11)
- LMR (left/middle/right) operators implemented.
This allows for using operators of the form:
d/dx * v(x,y) * d/dy
where (x,y) are in a combined mode.
(HDM 04/11)
- Fix library routine dtxxyz. The first gridpoint had
been forgotten.
Previous calculations with operator
terms of htmtype=4 should be checked.
(FO 02/11)
Revision 6, (January 2011)
(Public: January 07, 2011)
- ---- Version 8.4.6 released. (January 07, 2011)
- Derivative form of flux evaluation (-d option) added
to flux84.
(FO 01/11)
- vminmax: added options to run over selected grid-points
(trajectory, -t option) and to compare PES with ASCII file
(-c option).
(MS 11/10)
- The file "input" of POTFIT is made read-only (similar
to MCTDH).
(HDM 11/10)
- Block-Davidson when using "rlxemin=.." performs now better.
The treatment of already converged states was not optimal.
(HDM 11/10)
- Memory allocation modified to allow to allocate more memory
for analyse routines and potfit.
(HDM 11/10)
- Implementation of multi-target operators for optcntrl.
Example inputs added to inputs/optcntrl/.
Keyword "usepack" added for Hamiltonian-Sections.
(MS 09/10)
- Option -max added to rdacoeff. rdacoeff can
print the number of coefficients with absolute value
between thr and max.
(HDM 09/10)
- Some max-parameters in include files increased.
maxkoe, maxhtm, maxhop: 2000 --> 9600
maxrdf: 16 --> 64 ; maxpes: 24 --> 92 ;
maxham, maxmuld: 32 --> 64.
(HDM 09/10)
Revision 5, (June 2010)
(Public: June 25, 2010)
- ---- Version 8.4.5 released. (June 25, 2010)
- flux84 and wfproj84 can now handle wavefunctions
for identical particles (id keyword).
flux84 now writes an iwtt file (integral over wtt).
(HDM 06/10)
- Block improved relaxation for complex Hermitian
Hamiltonians is MPI parallel.
(MRB 06/10)
- The keyword split-rst is now recognized
in geninwf runs as well.
(HDM 05/10)
- There is a new keyword reflex (Run-Section)
which enables to make use of symmetry in
e.g. malonaldehyde.
(HDM 05/10)
- autoblock works now for fermions as well. (Bug
fast now works with continuation. (Bug fixed).
(HDM 04/10)
- The file input is made read-only.
This makes it less likely that this file is erroneously
(HDM 05/10)
- Block improved relaxation is now possible for
complex Hermitian Hamiltonians as well (DAV rather
than RDAV or rrDAV).
(HDM 03/10)
- The mctdh executables are now under
$MCTDH_DIR/bin/binary/<platform> and no longer
under $MCTDH_DIR/bin/<platform>.
(HDM 03/10)
- The routine chnpot can now handle combined modes with
more than 2 DOFs.
(MS 02/10)
- The C-DAV routine (complex davidson for resonances)
is MPI-parallel.
(MRB 01/10)
Revision 4, Patchlevel 2 (December 2009)
(Public: December16, 2009)
- ---- Version released. (December 16, 2009)
- Bug removed in Block-Improved-Relaxation which
occurred when using MPI.
The check_system script is updated. It now checks
additionally for shared memory and NUMA libraries.
(MRB 12/09)
Revision 4, Patchlevel 1 (December 2009)
(Public: December09, 2009)
- ---- Version released. (December 09, 2009)
- New operators implemented: Rf, hKEh, hFRh, hdqh,
hdqRh, dqR, dq2R.
Bug fixed in project.F, which was introduced in
version 8.4.4. This bug let calculations with identical
particles fail.
(HDM 12/09)
- RRDAV (improved relaxation for real operators) can now
treat (multi-set) electronic states.
Elk_test can check parallel MCTDH now.
(MRB 12/09)
- The gcc 4.4.1 now compiles the package correctly.
(MRB 10/09)
Revision 4 (September 2009)
(Public: September 11, 2009)
- ---- Version 8.4.4 released. (September 11, 2009)
has been introduced to MCTDH.
(MRB 09/09)
- A chapter "Installing the MCTDH package" is aded to guide
Appendix E.
compile.cnf and platform.cnf scripts updated. A installation
on Mac OS X (Darwin) should now be painless.
The read-inwf feature can now handle (complex) weight factors
which multiply the A-vectors of different electronic states.
New analysis routine edengen. (Thanks to Emmerich Tempfli and
Sascha Zoellner).
Showpot now knows the option -evec which writes the natural
potential terms (eigenvectors of rho) to an ASCII file.
(HDM 08/09)
- Conversion constants (energy, length, mass) exchanged with
more accurate ones. See on-line docu "Input Documentation /
Units" or excecute "mhelp -s unit".
(HDM 07/09)
- Ported optcntrl script to python
New version of optcntrl documented in tutorial and on-line
(MS 05/09)
- The Distributed Memory Parallelization using the Message
Passing Interface (MPI) has been introduced to MCTDH.
(MRB 04/09)
- Bug in initkleg fixed (IMPORTANT!!). A phase factor was
missing for negative k.
New KLeg operators added: sJp, sJm, sJpk, sJmk.
(HDM 03/09)
Revision 3 (December 2008)
(Public: December 4, 2008)
- ---- Version 8.4.3 released. (December 4, 2008)
- The routine adpop can now run in a so called quick
modus and can make use of Monte-Carlo integration.
(GAW 11/08)
- A parallel version of the DSYEV routine of LAPACK is now
available. This one is used in the getdavmat and b/rdavstep
(MRB 09/08)
- New keyword "block-A" for Init_WF-Section.
It allows to read A-vectors form a foreign restart files.
(For block improved relaxation).
(HDM 08/08)
- Build-up of the pre-conditioner for improved relaxation
is parallel now. Timing of parallel routines improved.
Keywords "no-calcha" and "no-funka2" removed and replaced
by "no-funka".
(MRB 07/08)
- New analyse routines "wfproj" and "rdacoeff".
wfproj computes expectation values of a projector.
The projector must be defined by an SPF,
P=|phi><phi| . There may be a product of
rdacoeff reads the coefficients (A-vector) and prints
them to screen.
(HDM 06/08)
- Partial (a)symmetrization of the A-vector implemented.
This allows to treat mixtures of bosonic/fermionic systems.
New script "check_system" added to install directory.
(HDM 06/08)
- New keywords in potfit. "read-cw" allows to read
the correlated weights form file and "write-cw"
writes them to file.
(OV 05/08)
- New keyword "block-SPF" for Init_WF-Section.
It allows to read SPFs form a foreign restart file.
(For block improved relaxation).
(HDM 05/08)
- The compile script now knows the -j option which enables
parallel compilation.
(HDM 05/08)
Revision 2 (December 2007)
(Public: December 14, 2007)
- ---- Version 8.4.2 released. (December 20, 2007)
- A description of the block improved relaxation feature
is given in the tutorial section of the guide.
(HDM 12/07)
- An multi-packet run can now also be performed
in single-set representation. Improved relaxation
can now be done in block form. (This uses the
multi-packet single-set feature). A block relaxation
is quite useful if not a particular state is sought,
but, say, the 10 lowest states. The new keyword
autoblock automatically generates an appropriate
set of initial vectors, and the keyword split-rst
let the program split the restart file, which contains
all eigenstates formally on different (single-set)
electronic states, into individual restart files.
Currently, block relaxation works only for real hermitian
Hamiltonians (i.e. only for RDAV or RRDAV). Block
relaxation can treat systems with electronic states
of both variants, single-set and multi-set.
(HDM 12/07)
- Several bug-fixes in operator generation (genoper).
These fixes apply to the summation of operators in
general and to KLeg operators in particular: See the
changelog file for details.
(FO 11/07)
- New keyword iteration-factor allows to speed-up
the convergence of potfit iterations.
Intermediate timing information is written to output file
when performing a diagonalisation run.
Bug fixes in runinwf.F and logop.F .
(HDM 11/07)
- The structure of the parallelization is changed, now the
threads are created at the beginning of the program and
are destroyed when mctdh has finished. New keywords for
steering the parallelization (see html-docu).
The array hlsym is in use again.
(MRB 09/07)
- Potfit can now do continuation.
(HDM 09/07)
Revision 0 (April 2007)
(Public: April 17, 2007)
- ---- Version 8.4.0 released. (April 17, 2007)
- Shared memory parallelization improved.
Mutual exclusions (mutex) introduced to reduce
memory consumption.
(MRB 04/07)
- muld-potentials ignored time-dependence. Fixed.
Keyword read1d added.
(HDM 04/07)
- Minor bug fixes in VCHam programs and documentation
(GAW 03/07)
- Bug in potfit fixed. Potfit produced a wrong natpot
when separable weights were used.
Output of eigenvalues (in au) in potfit is changed to
reduced eigenvalues (in eV**2). This is a more
meaningful measure.
(HDM 02/07)
- Summation of products of real side-diagonal
operators is implemented. This facilitates exact
calculations when using FT'd potentials by decreasing
memory and CPU consumption.
(FO 02/07)
- Memory allocation changed for improved relaxation.
The arrays Krylov and HKrylov are allocated individually.
This allows to allocate more than 32 GB for improved
(HDM 12/06)
- Shared memory parallelization implemented.
See on-line docu and Guide for details.
(MRB 12/06)
- The file adwkb and the script pladwkb are
renamed to enerd and plenerd , respectively.
(AP 11/06)
- Release 4 created.
This version uses less memory, because the hpsi array is much
shorter. As the hpsi array has now to be re-calculated, mctdh84
may use (slightly) more CPU time compared to mctdh83. The
reduction of memory consumption is considerable, if large
combined grids and large potfits are used.
Version 84 no longer supports density operator propagation
and s-mctdh (selected CI).
(HDM 11/06)
- (All the additions to 8.3.14 are also in 8.4.0)
Version 8
Release 3
Revision 14 (April 2007)
(Public: April 17, 2007)
- ---- Version 8.3.14 released. (April 17, 2007)
- muld-potentials ignored time-dependence. Fixed.
Keyword read1d added.
(HDM 04/07)
- Minor bug fixes in vcham programs and documentation
(GAW 03/07)
- Bug in potfit fixed. Potfit produced a wrong natpot
when separable weights were used.
Output of eigenvalues (in au) in potfit is changed to
reduced eigenvalues (in eV**2). This is a more
meaningful measure.
(HDM 02/07)
- Summation of products of real side-diagonal
operators is implemented. This facilitates exact
calculations when using FT'd potentials by decreasing
memory and CPU consumption.
(FO 02/07)
- A template file of the script platform.cnf.priv
is added to the install directory. A private
platform script is very convenient when a specific
compiler is to be chosen for a specific machine (hostname).
(HDM 11/06)
- Identical lines of the operator tableau (Hamiltonian-Section)
are now summed correctly. There is no longer a need to sum
them "by hand".
(HDM 11/06)
- With the keyword "gengmat" (Run-Section) or the option "-gmat"
mctdh generates a matrix-element of the G-matrix as pes-file.
This is useful for checking the correctness of an implemented
kinetic energy operator (by comparison with TNUM results).
(HDM 11/06)
- Support for sub-particle operators, i.e. operator
terms that do not act on the full mode, but on more than
1 DOF. Currently the implementation is only for real
diagonal terms (e.g natpots). All DOFs that the term acts on
must be consecutive in MCTDH ("no holes").
(FO 10/06)
- Major changes in potfit. The program code is now slimmer,
e.g. the possibility of generating FT-natpots is removed
(use projection). Potfit now uses less memory and converges
faster. The evaluation of the fit error may now be done
less often. (See docu "niteration").
(HDM 09/06)
- Major changes to support a new method for using
Fourier-transformed potfits. The new method does not use the
FT feature of potfit itself; rather the Fourier components are
calculated with projection and are then potfitted separately.
The shifting in K is then accomplished with the (k)shift operator.
The old support for FT-natpots is removed.
(FO 08/06)
Revision 13 (July 2006)
(Public: July 27, 2006)
- ---- Version 8.3.13 released. (July 27, 2006)
- Support for installing on MS Windows via the Cygwin
environment. See also our Cygwin
(FO 07/06)
- Major changes in VCHam. VCHAM programs MCTDH
compatible. Dynamic allocation in vchfit and vcplot.
Keywords have MCTDH structure.
(GAW 07/06)
- Operators of type 0.5*(f(q)dq + dqf(q)) with
f=q,sin,cos,sqrt implemented. See Appendix C of the
(OV 07/06)
- The routines for optimal control, bin/optcntrl,
efield.F, and prop.F, are updated. New routine guessfld.F.
Example input files can be found on
$MCTDH_DIR/inputs/optcntrl/ . See also the README file
(HDM 06/06)
- The routine prhosub can now compute the (diagonal)
momentum representation of the particle density.
(HDM and SZ 06/06)
- New feature: one can have more than one KLeg in a
combined mode:
(i) oper file format changed
(ii) new operator: cjpm (see hamsym.ps)
(iii) one can use KLegs in exact runs.
(FO 06/06)
- crosscorr83 can now compute matrix elements. This,
however, requires that the two WFs have same numbers of
(HDM 06/06)
- Major changes in potfit. Projection is now a program
of its own. All potfit runs are now of type
direct=1, and the direct keyword should no longer
be given. The format of the vpot file is changed. Showpot
(but not potfit) is able to read the old vpot files.
Version number increased to 8.3.13.
(HDM 05/06)
- The projection program now uses a completely new
syntax and has increased functionality (additional
projector functions).
(FO 01/06)
- New compiler environments: gfortran (-32, -64), g95.
Improved GCC version check.
(FO 04/06, 07/06)
- Operator labels changed for CH3I and 1D potentials,
e.g vh2 --> v:H2 . See Appendic C of the Guide for the
new names. There is now a check that label and parameter
names are disjoint. User defined parameters must not
contain a colon (:).
(HDM 04/06)
- New directory install/AdvancedUser/ added. This
directory contains some useful non-mctdh software.
(HDM 03/06)
- New analysis routine dengen. It generates
reduced densities similar to showsys, but is not
interactive and may thus run in background.
Several bug fixes. Patchlevel increased to 1
(HDM 02/06)
- ENO (Essentially Non Oscillatory) interpolation added
to chnpot.
(OV 02/06)
Revision 12 (December 2005)
(Public: December 15, 2005)
- ---- Version 8.3.12 released. (Dec 15, 2005)
- New feature in
potfit : projection runs
(FO 11/05)
- psi2ex can now give the exact wavefunction in
second population when setting the option
(OV 11/05)
- New keyword for improved relaxation, RRDAV,
introduced. RRDAV is faster than RDAV but requires a
"simple" operator (no KLeg etc, no muld-potentials) and
cannot treat electronic states.
(HDM 10/05)
- Analyse routine adproj added. This routine
creates vpot files of the adiabatic projector matrix
(MRB 06/05)
- The VCHAM (vibronic-coupling Hamiltonian) set
of programs is added to the MCTDH package.
(GAW 07/05)
- New analyse routine twprob (Tanner/Weeks
probabilities), used to calculate state-resolved reaction
probabilities (so this is an alternative to "flux").
(FO 06/05)
- New keywords symcoeff, asymcoeff, and
id introduced. They are useful when treating
identical particles.
(HDM 06/05)
Revision 10 (May 2005)
(Public: May 20, 2005)
- ---- Version 8.3.10 released. (May 20, 2005)
- There are four new files: install/user_surfaces,
install/user_surfdef, opfuncs/user1d.F and
opfuncs/usersrf.F . These are introduced to make it
easier to include new one- or multi-dimensional
(HDM 05/05)
- New HTML page Troubleshooting on entrance page
of the HTML documentation.
(HDM 05/05)
Revision 9 (December 2004)
(Public: December 09, 2004)
- Bug fixed in genoper/htmsetup.F. Setting the keyword
limit-mc is no longer necessary.
(HDM 04/05)
- There may now be a read-inwf block in the
Init_WF-Section. This allows to construct an initial WF
from one or several (foreign) restart files. The number
of electronic states of the WF on the restart file(s) may
differ from the number of states of the WF to be
(HDM 04/05)
- New analyse routine adpop83 to compute
adiabatic state populations and one- and
two-dimensional reduced densities. The script
pladpop plots the densities.
(MRB 04/05)
- New keyword id in SPF-Basis-Section allows
equate modes which have identical SPFs because of
(HDM 03/05)
- New option -s in overlap allows to overlap selected
electronic states. There are also the new options -b, -c
and -t.
(HDM 02/05)
- Format of the output-file of overlap83 is changed.
This file contains now the overlap and the norms, but no
longer the error measures. (compare83 changed
accordingly.) The output to screen is unchanged.
(HDM 02/05)
- ---- (patched) Version released.
(January 11, 2005) ----
- Handling of (a)sym1d, (a)sym2d, and sym3d changed.
New keyword persist (argument to the sym-keywords)
(HDM 01/05)
- Treatment of multi-dimensional potentials (muld-pot)
improved. There are now more error checks.
(HDM 01/05)
- ---- Version 8.3.9 released. (December 9,
2004) ----
(HDM 12/04)
Revision 8 (June 2004)
(Public: June 13, 2004)
- Modifications on Makefile and compile.cnf_* scripts.
Some compilers (e.g. g77-3.4) produce wrong object files
for the LAPACK routine dlamch. This is now fixed by
compiling this routine without optimization. The code of
funcanld.F and einbuild.F is re-organized. The pgf77
produces now correct optimized object files.
(FO 12/04)
- New unit debye. New option -Mb for
autospec83 and plspec. With this option one may plot the
spectrum in absolute units (mega barn). (Thanks to G.J.
Kroes for suggesting this.).
(HDM 11/04)
- The dth1 and dth2 operations are added for KLEg and
PLeg. New operators Jp, Jm, Jx, Jy implemented (for KLeg
(HDM 10/04)
- New analyse routine jinpol83 implemented. This
routine performs J-interpolation for scattering
(SS and HDM 10/04)
- Symmetrization of the SPFs during the geninwf step
(and for improved relaxation additionally after each
orbital relaxation step) has been added. The new keywords
are sym1d, asym1d, sym2d, asym2d, sym3d .
(HDM 09/04)
- Keyword limit-mc implemented. This allows to
limit the amount of memory allocated during the genoper
(HDM 09/04)
- The symmetrized first derivative, sdq ,
implemented for sin-DVR. This is for treating asymmetric
functions with periodic boundary conditions (cf.
(HDM 09/04)
- A pre-conditioner for improved relaxation (RDAV only)
is implemented. The new keyword precon defines the
dimension of the matrix used as pre-conditioner. The
Olsen correction is applied when the new keyword
olsen is given.
(HDM 08/04)
- KLeg-DVR can be combined with other modes.
(SS 07/04)
- New analyse program joinpsi83 implemented.
(SS 07/04)
- ---- Version 8.3.8 released (June 13, 2004)
Revision 7 (March 2004)
(Public: April 13, 2004)
- A cosine-DVR is implemented. It is useful for
treating "gerade" functions with periodic boundary
(HDM 06/04)
- Some small addition to the guide, e.g "Golden rules
for writing operator files."
(HDM 06/04)
- The problem of the large memory consumption of the
FAST algorithm is fixed.
(SS 06/04)
- CMF is now allowed for time-dependent operators. If
the time-dependent operator is uncorrelated (i.e. if it
is a mode operator), CMF should work without problems. If
the time-dependent operator is correlated, be more
careful and check against a VMF calculation.
(HDM 05/04)
- The use of Fortran functions is now possible in the
Parameter-Section (see on-line docu and guide).
(HDM 05/04)
- New pl-script plrlx. (Energy vs. time in
(HDM 05/04)
- mctdh83(propwf part) and potfit83 may now allocate up
to 8GB memory on 64 bit systems. (The previous limit was
2GB because of the use of integer*4 numbers. On 32 bit
systems (e.g. PC), the 2GB limit still exist.)
(HDM 05/04)
- S-MCTDH is overhauled, some bugs fixed, and
documentation improved.
New keyword converged added. This allows to stop
an improved relaxation run, if the energy is
(HDM 04/04)
- ---- Version 8.3.7 released (April 13, 2003)
- Support for Intel compilers (version 8.0) added.
Auto-detection of GCC version in compile configuration
(FO 04/04)
- The new analyse routine rdgrid83 writes the
DVR grid points to screen. Showd1d now knows the option
-l (logarithmic plot).
(HDM 04/04)
- New H2-H2 potential surface added. (h4bmkp.f).
(FG 03/04)
- FAST algorithm up to the 4-th level (6-mode
calculation) is implemented. Fast and
Natpotcut are extended to work with several
natural potentials.
(SS 03/04)
Revision 6 (February 2004)
- The program showsys83 now knows the option
-pop2 . When this option is given, showsys83
will plot the WF-density in the second representation,
i.e. displays the basis set occupation rather than the
DVR-grid occupation. For FFT this means, that the
momentum distribution is displayed.
(HDM 03/04)
- An initial WF can now be orthogonalised against
another MCTDH WF read from a foreign restart file.
Keyword: orthogonalise= path where
path denotes the path of the foreign restart file.
This feature is useful for improved
(HDM 02/04)
- The analysis routine, crosscorr can now
overlap two restart files (use -R and -r options).
(HDM 02/04)
- A set of new scripts, mdircp, mdiff, mbackup,
ld, implemented. With these scripts one may set up a
convenient backup sytem, useful when developing new code.
mdircp allows to copy a whole MCTDH directory, and
mdiff compares MCTDH directories. See also "The
MCTDH backup utility" from the entrance page
(Developer's Manual).
(HDM 02/04)
Revision 4-5 (August 2003)
(Public: December 23, 2003)
- A new analysis routine, psi2rst, is
implemented. It writes a wavefunction from psi file to a
restart file.
(HDM 12/03)
- A flux operator is implemented (see guide Operator
Functions). One may diagonalize this operator with
eigenf to obtain flux eigenstates. Works only for
sin-DVR, exp-DVR and FFT.
(HDM 12/03)
- New keyword imp-ortho for the
INTEGRATOR-SECTION implemented. The orthognormality of
the SPFs is improved. Works only for the Runge-Kutta
integrators rk5 and rk8.
(FO 12/03)
- The program chnpot is overhauled and its input format
is changed.
(SS 12/03)
- New flux-projector read implemented. This
allows to read an SPF from a "foreign" restart file and
take it as projector. This "foreign" restart file may be
build by an MCTDH-geninwf run.
New label readsrf implemented. This allows to read
a potential energy surface as energy-points from
(HDM 11/03)
- Two-dimensional cpp, cmm symbols are added. See
"Hamiltonian/Liouvillian Documentation"/"Available
Surfaces". These 2D functions are needed for the 4-atom,
J>0, kinetic energy operator in Jacobian
(SS 11/03)
- Makefile and compile-script changed, such other but
GNU make will work again. The make used, however, must
support the include directive.
(FO 10/03)
- showsys83 can now read the restart file. This is
useful e.g for plotting wavefunctions from a relaxation
run, where the psi file is not needed.
Printout to rlx_info file improved (Davidson). New
keywords rlxemin, rlxemax for improved relaxation.
"eigenf" may now be applied to complex, but hermitian,
The keyword "continuation=integrator" or the option "-ci"
performs a continuation run WITH reading the
(HDM 10/03)
- New feature meigenf (mode eigenfunctions)
implemented. This allows to compute (multi-dimensional)
eigenfunctions of mode operators. New script
pladwkb implemented.
(HDM 09/03)
- overlap can now compute the overlap between a
wavefunction and a density operator of type II. Norm and
trace are printed to the check-file (densities only).
(CC 09/03)
- Keyword excite in the generation of the
KLeg-Inwf added. New PES for H3O (WDSE) added. (See
addsurf). Bug in coortrans.f fixed.
(SS 08/03)
Revision 3 (July 2003)
(Public: August 20, 2003)
- New operator functions: asleg and aslegth, associated
Legendre functions of x and cos(x); reY and imY, real and
imaginary parts of the spherical harmonics
Ylm(theta,phi). (See guide Tables C.1 and C.5
(HDM 08/03)
- CAPs and "continuation" both now work for density
operators of type II. Approximate raising/lowering
operators for Morse potential are implemented.
(CC 08/03)
- natpots may now be time-dependent. (Thanks to O.
Kuehn, who noted this bug.)
(HDM 07/03)
- New Davidson diagonaliser implemented for improved
relaxation. There are actually three new
"integrators" DAV, RDAV and CDAV, for the hermitian, real
and complex case. New keywords: lock and
quad as arguments for relaxation,
tout=all , sym and check as
arguments to pop, and energyorb and
stdorb (Integrator-Section).
Timing for orben, trafo and cross included.
(HDM 07/03)
- New analyse program herma83. It checks the
hermiticity error of the A-vector. Only for densities of
type II.
(CC 07/03)
- Bug fixed in the CMF integrator when using fixed
update times (CMF/fix) which caused the integration of
the SPFs to be only of first order instead of second.
(FO 07/03)
- 1) Bug fixed (wrong pointer in htmprodpot) when
multiplying complex potentials. CAPs will not be
2) More (useful) output is now written to the log-file
for diabatic correction (keyword "correction=dia").
3) crosspec produces now a slightly different output. The
output is multiplied by 1/pi and the order of the columns
is different. This makes firstly autospec and crosspec
consistent and secondly allows to read the cspec.pl file
by flux83 (-ed option). The option -old restores
the old output format.
(HDM 07/03)
Revision 2 (Apr 2003)
(Public: June 11, 2003)
- The evaluation of 'analytic' external operators
(linint.F, keword: external1d) is improved. The fitting
is now done with a linear combination of quadratic
functions rather than with linear interpolation. This
gives much better fits.
The treatment of complex potentials is improved. The
Time functions may be complex, i.e. Exp
or I may appear in the Time column.
(HDM 07/03)
- Some small bugs fixed: einpbas.F, plqdq, plnat and
A more severe bug concerning the exp-DVR fixed. The
expectation values were incorrect, and one could not use
more than one exp-DVR.
Documentation improved (input; guide: chapter 6.5, 6.6,
To be more consistent, the order of the arguments
(parameters) of the functions: sinh, cosh, tnah, switch1
and switch2 has been changed. The function cos1 has an
additional parameter. One must edit the operator
file, if one of those 1D-operators is used. See hamsym.ps
or guide Appendix C.
(HDM 06/03)
- Several small bugs fixed: Bug in Makefile (expect),
in npotlab (rewind), in adiabwkb.F (mtr->ftr) and in
heinsort.F and htmsetup.F (j_p, j_m with c_p, c_m)
(HDM,SS,CC 05/03)
- Options of autospec83 (plspec) changed.
Fourier-transform only (no energy prefactor) is now
default. To invoke the energy prefactor give the option
(HDM 05/03)
- Coefficients (different from 1.0) allowed for
Furthermore, one may give 'I' in the coefficient column,
making the coefficient imaginary. Complex coefficients
are not allowed , only real or pure imaginary. However,
the program may sum real and imaginary coefficients.
(HDM 05/03)
- MCTDH can handle Fourier-Transformed (FT) natpot
terms. (SS 04/03)
- Fast algorithm can work with natpotcut.
(SS 04/03)
- Symmetry in interpolation of angular dofs in Chnpot
has been added.
(SS 04/03)
- Input file may be run through C preprocessor (use
-cpp option). This allows several input files to share
any subsets of their settings.
(AM 04/03)
- Flux now also works when the CAP-DOF is within a
combined mode.
Rdcheck and crosspec now use less memory.
Autospec now uses dynamical allocation of memory.
(HDM 03/03)
- New method for gridpop and spop calculation for
dentype I: The trace of \rho^2 is used. This is useful
for traceless \rho. The keyword is quadpop.
(CC 03/03)
- Bug fixed in dvrweights.f, a factor pi**0.25 was
missing in the weights of the HO-DVR.
Crosspec allows for automatic plotting (new option).
Showd1d now knows the '-t' option (final time).
New analyse routine probsq which computes the sum
of the squared occupation probabilities of
(HDM 02/03)
- For dentype II calculations one may read in a initial
wavefunction rather than a density operator.
(CC 02/03)
Revision 1 (Nov 2002)
(Public: Jan 10, 2003)
- Some additions to the Guide.
Showsys improved (handling of menu).
Bug fixed in density operator propagation using FFT.
Keyword operate_no-norm added. This command
removes the normalisation of operator*psi (or of
Option -mnd (make name directory) added.
Keywords expect1 and real-only added.
(HDM 01/03)
- H2O PES moved from wslfh.F to new (addsurf) file
h2o.f (HDM 01/03)
- PJT2 Surface for H2O has been added.
vho potential curve for OH has been added. (SS
- New analyse program Prhosub added.
Prhosub reads pdensity file and writes reduced
density of one selected DoF on primitive grid to files.
(MN 12/02)
- There is a new operator keyword external1d{file}. A
one-dimensional (diagonal) function may be defined by a
set of points. These points are read form file
file, interpolated and then treated as any other
1D-function (e.g. evaluated at the grid-points). (AM
- New feature "FT" in Potfit has been implemented.
(SS 11/02)
- Bug fixed in hnatfast. Fast algorithm was made
more efficient for nmode ≥ 4. (Note: fast
accelerates the multiplication natpot * A-vector). (SS
- New operators added (KLeg/PLeg only): jp^2 and
jm^2 , ( i.e. (j_+)^2, (j_-)^2 ). The symbol |&
is introduced in the Hamiltonian-Section. It is
equivalent to |k&l, where k and l are numbers. When
using |& , k and l are determined by counting.
Symbols like |&& and |&&& are
similarly defined. For safety reasons, it is now
forbidden to mix numbered (e.g. |1 or |4&5 ) with
un-numbered (e.g. | or |& ) input within one line of
the Hamiltonian-Section. (HDM 11/02)
Revision 0 (Sep-Oct 2002)
- Three new projectors for flux are implemented.
Leg,KLeg and PLeg . They project on
j or on (j,m) states. (HDM
- New analyse program Chnpot has been
implemented. Chnpot allows to map the natural
potentials from one grid to another (usually from a
coarse to a fine grid). (SS 10/02)
- Automatic CAP (ACAP) can now be switched on after
some time. This time is to be supplied as the 5th
argument of ACAP. (HDM 10/02)
- New keyword added: natpotcut. This removes all
natural potential terms which are smaller than
natpotcut. Default: natpotcut=1.d-8 (CC
- New potential surface tully.f added: CO on Cu.
(CC 10/02)
- New potential surface added: HCN. (FG
- The 1D operators cos, sin, tan now have two
parameters. The default value for the second parameter is
zero. See Built-in
Symbols page 4. (FG 10/02)
- Bug fixed in operator build-up for densities
(dissipative part). Small terms were deleted
inconsistently. Bug fixed in showpot. (It crashed when
there were more than 1024*1024 grid-points). (CC
- Almost all potential energy surfaces (except lsth)
are moved from $MCTDH_DIR/source/surfaces to the
new directory addsurf. The script
mklinks creates links from surfaces
to addsurf. (HDM 09/02)
- Two new integrators have been added: Runge-Kutta
order 5 (RK5) and order 8 (RK8) (FO
- MCTDH now has the ability to use external BLAS and
LAPACK libraries instead of the self-compiled reference
code. (FO 09/02)
- The translation between Fortran and C symbols can now
be configured in "compile.cnf" (via
- Bugfix: When performing exact propagations with an
integrator other than SIL, the format of the "steps" file
is changed slightly so that it can be processed with
rdsteps (FO 09/02)
Version 8
Release 2
Revision 8 (Sep 2002)
(Public: Sep 12, 2002)
- Three potential energy surfaces for H3O
system: WSLFH, YZCL1 and YZCL2 have been implemented.
(SS 09/02)
- New External DVR (keyword extern) has been
implemented. The grid points and DVR matrices are read
here from file. (SS 09/02)
- New 1D-function, exp(p*(cos(x)-p1))**r, implemented.
(CC 09/02)
- Bug in rdinpf (einglib.f) fixed (HDM
- There are four new DVR's : Lagu1 ... Lagu4. They are
build from the Laguerre functions
phi(n,x) = Sqrt( (n-1)!/(n+a-1)! ) * x^(a/2) * exp(-x/2)
* L(n-1,a,x)
with a = 1, 2, 3, 4. (HDM 08/02)
- Analyse tool norm works now for density
operators typ I. (CC 07/02)
- Bug in the memory-allocation part of overlap.F fixed
(density operators typ II). (CC 07/02)
- The plot programs showsys82, showd1d82,
showspf82, and showrst82 depict now the
wavefunction and densities with the proper ordinate scale
(i.e. independent of the number of grid-points). Using
the no-weights option -nw (or, for
showsys82, the menu point 290) one may switch to plotting
the population of the DVR-points. (HDM 07/02)
Revision 7 (Jul 2002)
(Public: Jul 4, 2002)
- Documentation overhauled. Validates as HTML 4.01
Transitional W3C. (HDM 07/02)
- Timing error in propcmfada.F fixed. (time ->
localtime for second half step). (FO 07/02)
Revision 6 (Mar
- flux82 can now work with left-hand sided CAPs. The
last argument for flux should be left, right or
both. The default is right. (HDM
- There are new 1D functions, which may be used to
build an operator: cosh, sinh, tanh, switch1 and
switch2. (HDM 05/02)
- There are two new analyse routines di2ad82 and
psi2ex82. psi2ex82 transforms a MCTDH wavefunction
to exact format and di2ad82 transforms a WF from
diabatic to adiabatic representation. To do so, the WF
must be in exact format. (GAW 05/02)
- Combining degrees of freedom which were represented
by FFT did not always work correctly. Bug fixed. (GAW
- The analyse routine ortho82 now works also for
density operators of type I and II. Overlap82 can now do
overlaps between density operators of different type.
(CC 04/02)
- There is a new analyse routine diag82. It
allows to compute eigenenergies by diagonalising the
matrices generated with fmat82. (SS 04/02)
- The program potfit82 can now generate combined
natural potentials. (FG 03/02)
- The plot program showsys82 can now do overlay
plots. I.e. it can simultaneously plot two pictures,
e.g. the contour lines of a potential and the wavepacket.
(GAW 03/02)
- The evaluation of the cross-correlation function,
both with the analyse program crosscorr82 or "on-the-fly"
using the keyword cross, now works also for
density operators of type I and type II. (CC 03/02
and FO 03/02)
- The script bashpath is updated. (HDM
- The evaluation of expectation values, both with the
analyse program expect82 or "on-the-fly" using the
keyword expect, now works also for density
operators of type I and type II. (CC 02/02)
- The mapping algorithm (keyword map in
Init_WF-Section) has been improved. It now works also
when the dummy grid is only part of the grid to which the
SPF is to be mapped. (HDM 02/02)
- The evaluation of coordinate expectation values is
modified in case of a 2*Pi periodic grid. <sin(q)>
and <cos(q)> are determined and <q> is set to
arctan(<sin(q)>/<cos(q)>). Similar formulae
apply for <dq> . (HDM 02/02)
Revision 5 (Feb 2002)
(Public: Feb 8, 2001)
- The use of the eigenf keyword failed, when
there were combined modes and more than one 1D operator
in the requested Hamiltonian. Fixed. (HDM
- The fast algorithm (keyword fast in
Integrator-Section) did not work for continuation runs.
Fixed (HDM 02/02)
- operate now works also for density-operators
of type I and II. (CC 02/02).
Revision 4 (Jan
In addition to some small bug fixes/improvements of the code,
corrections of and additions to the documentation and to the
User's Guide, there are some more important bug fixes and
improvements which are listed below.
- The keyword cross has been added to the
RUN-SECTION. It is used for calculating the
cross-correlation function on the fly. See on-line docs
for further details. (FO 01/02.)
- There is a new keyword in the RUN-SECTION,
orben. When orben is set, the so called
orbital energies are computed and written to the
orben file. See the on-line documentation and
the User's Guide for further details. (HDM
- The A-coeff keyword has been implemented for
densities type I and type II (CC 01/02).
- It is now possible to apply several operators to the
initial wavefunction, e.g.: "operate = O1, O2, O3"
(HDM 12/01).
- The mctdh -o option has been re-newed. An
op.log file is now printed to screen, but it is the
op.log file before summation of the Hamiltonian terms is
performed. (HDM 01/02).
- The operators used with the eigenf keyword no
longer requires an S1&1
1D-operator for the electronic degree of freedom. See the
documentation for details. (HDM 12/01).
- The maximal line-length is enlarged from 80 to 160
characters when reading input files (*.inp, *.op, and
*.srf). This is helpful when writing
Hamiltonian-Sections. (HDM 12/01).
- The improved relaxation, i.e relaxation to
excited states, has been developed further. It is also
better documented, (although not yet in final form). See
on-line documentation and User's Guide, (HDM
- The single particle functions generated by
diagonalising a 1D Hamiltonian (eigenf keyword)
now obey a phase convention. When diagonalising a
harmonic potential, one now obtains the harmonic
oscillator functions with correct signs. (HDM
- There are two new keywords map and
addmode. map is used in the
Init_WF-Section and copies the SPF's of one DOF to
another. (Grids must be the same, of course).
addmode, used in a Hamiltonian-Section,
allows to add a mode which is not specified in the
SPF-Basis-Section. These keywords are useful when one
wants to propagate with FFT but needs initial SPF's
generated by eigenf. (HDM 10/01).
Revision 3 (Sep 2001)
(Public: Sep 18, 2001)
In addition to some small bug fixes, corrections of the
documentation, and other small improvements, there are some more
important bug fixes (listed below) and two new analyse
- There are new analyse programs: statepop (called by
analysis82) (GAW 07/01) and fmat82 (HDM
08/01). fmat82 computes
<psi(t1)|O|psi(t2)> , where O is an
operator (can be the unit operator) in MCTDH form.
- Bug fixed in heinsort.F, the keyword analytic_pes now
applies only to the system hamiltonian. (CC
07/01). Bug fixed in transmf.F, diabatic correction
now possible for nstate > 1. (HDM 07/01).
Energy output for exact relaxation corrected. (GAW
08/01). Bug fixed in heinsort.F, the electronic
Z-matrix is now correctly duplicated for multi-packet
runs. (HDM 09/01).
- Bugs in plotutils.F fixed so that showsys works with
combined modes. (GAW 07/01).
- Bug in flux fixed so that flux now works again
correctly when using projectors. (HDM 07/01).
- Parameters may now carry a unit when defined via the
-p option. (HDM 09/01).
Revision 2 (Jul 2001)
(Public: Jul 2, 2001)
In addition to several small bug fixes, there are two new
features: a two-dimensional Legendre DVR (PLeg) and "relaxation"
to excited states.
- There are new analyse programs: crosscorr, crosspec,
and vminmax. (HDM 04/01, 06/01)
- A bug concerning the time coordinate (heinterm.F) has
been fixed. (GAW 04/01)
- A bug in the generation of multi-dimensional
operators has been fixed. (SS 04/01)
- The operator label dq did not work properly
for FFT. Bug fixed. (HDM 05/01)
- The compile script has been changed. The available
multi-dimensional potential energy surfaces are no longer
automatically linked. One has to use the -i option to
link a desired surface to the potfit or mctdh program.
(HDM 05/01)
- There are now reasonable error messages when the
input for a build-up of an operator is incorrect. (HDM
- A new keyword, periodic, is introduced in the
Init_WF-Section. This allows to place an initial gaussian
properly across a periodic boundary. (HDM
- The expectation values <q> and variances
<dq> are now written to the check-file and
may be plotted with the aid of the script plqdq.
(CC 04/01)
- The keyword relaxation may now carry an
integer argument. relaxation=n will
generate the n-th eigenstate. (See
"Input-Documentation/Run-section"). However, as the
method is based on the Lanczos algorithm, the method may
converge to a higher eigenstate as requested.
relaxation and relaxation=0 both
converge towards the ground state, but
relaxation=0 in general is much faster. (HDM
- There is a new two-dimensional DVR, PLeg. It is a
non-separable DVR based on the spherical harmonics
Yjm . It is similar in function to the
sphFBR, but it is a proper DVR. (SS 06/01)
- The dependencies on the include files as listed in
the Makefile are now generated by the script mkdepend.
Hopefully, they are now all correct and the -a or -A
options of compile are now needed only very rarely.
(HDM 06/01)
- The dummy potential energy surface mysrf was
added. This makes it fairly easy to include a new
surface, as long as this surface does not depend on
special parameters. (HDM 06/01)
- The Elk-Test is updated and two new tests are added.
(CC 06/01)
Revision 1 Patch 1 (Public: Jan
29, 2001)
The following bug-fixes and changes become effective after the
- A bug in the treatment of time-dependent operators
has been fixed. (GAW 01/01)
- Product of operators, like cos*dq have not always been correctly
treated. Bug fixed. (HDM 01/01)
- The showpot82 program displayed a Vfit when
being asked to display a Vpot, and vice versa. Bug fixed.
(HDM 01/01)
- The program showpot82 now knows more options.
(See showpot82 -h ).
(HDM 01/01)
Revision 1 (Jan 2001)
(Public: Jan 17, 2001)
The following new features have been added:
- The defaults for creating output-files have been
changed. The files output, timing, speed, update
and stop are now opened by default. (update
is, of course, only opened when CMF integration is used.)
If you do not want these files give the keyword
screen, no-timing, no-speed, no-update or
no-stop.(HDM 01/01)
- The handling of numbers in exponential form is
improved. Previously a parameter definition like:
par1 = par2*2.3d-5
failed, because the program tried to subtract 5 from the
(unknown) parameter 2.3d. Numbers in exponential form are
now correctly identified, however, the exponent must be
indicated by a d. In particular 2.3D-5, 2.3e-5 and
2.3E-5 are invalid! (HDM 01/01)
Two bugs have been fixed:
- Hamiltonian parameters close to 1 were erroneously
set to 1. In some cases that may have lead to a
(slightly) wrong operator. (HDM 01/01)
- When potfit was run with the keyword direct = 1, then the separable weights
of the contracted mode were not correctly treated.
(HDM 01/01)
Revision 0 (Dec 2000)
(Public: Dec 17, 2000)
The DMCTDH programs have now been incorporated into the MCTDH
program, and propagation of either density operators or
wavefunctions is achieved by using the relevant keywords.
The S-MCTDH method (Worth JCP (2000) 112:8322), which tries to
reduce computational resources by including only a selection of
the configurations, is now included in a provisional form. Many
of the ANALYSE programs, however, are unable to deal with
wavefunctions of this form.
There are a number of new ANALYSE programs including:
Allows plotting of 2D cuts of the wavefunction, 2D
densities, 2D cuts of the PES. The old showpes program has
been incorporated into this program. |
Evaluates the time-evolution of an operator expectation
value. |
Evaluates the time-evolution of a particle (separable)
operator expectation value. |
The following new features have been added:
- There is a new menu-driven interface for the analyse
programs, and interactive plotting capabilities have been
added to some routines. (GAW 11/00)
- Time-dependent operators can be treated. (GAW
- The -pes option can be used in place of the genpes
keyword. (HDM 10/00)
- The complete single-particle density can be output
and used to evaluate the expectation value of separable
operators. (HDM 10/00)
- Expectation values of a pre-defined operator can be
calculated on-the-fly during a propagation. (CC
- An operator file oper_S can be generated after a
propagation using the keyword genoper = S. This can then
be used to evaluate expectation values using the EXPECT
program. (GAW 9/00)
- A pes file can be generated using the genpes keyword
or, alternatively, by using the -pes option. This file
can then be used to plot the potential energy surface.
(GAW 8/00)
- An operator can be applied to the initially generated
wavepacket before propagation. (GAW 8/00)
- The analyse routine flux has been enlarged
substantially. The use of operators for computing
averaged energy transfers and the use of projectors for
determining the flux into specified quantum states is now
possible. (HDM 11/00)
Other significant changes are as follows:
- A usediag/nodiag keyword has been introduced to
control whether the diag flag is used when building an
operator. (GAW 10/00)
- The symmetry of operators is now correctly accounted
for (previously assumed that all operators are
hermitian). (GAW 10/00)
- Operator log now always written to file op.log
(HDM 10/00)
Various minor bugs have also been fixed and code changes made.
These include:
- Bug in ABM integrator that occasionally led to very
small steps. (HDM 11/00)
- Bug for FBR operators fixed. (GAW 8/00)
Version 8
Release 1
Revision 9 (Jul 2000)
(Public: Jul 5, 2000)
In addition to updates in the documentation and users guide,
the filter diagonalisation programs of Michael Beck have been
added. The DMCTDH programs of Andreas Raab, which propagate
density matrices using the MCTDH formalism, have also been added
to the project. They are as yet undocumented, and not for the
The following new features have also been added:
- The "normstop" option is added to stop a propagation
if the norm drops below a given value. (SS
- A "fast" algorithm for evaluating natural potential
operators is added (SS 5/00)
- For SPHFBR, the operators "jz" and "jz^2" have been
added (HDM 5/00)
- An exact run no longer needs an SBASIS-SECTION
(HDM 4/00)
- New DVR implemented. Restricted Legendre DVR : Leg/R
(HDM 4/00)
- New unit 'aJ' (= 10^-18 Joule) (MB 3/00)
- Can select only odd or only even HO functions as
initial SPFs (GAW 2/00)
- Can select different SPF parameters for different
sets in a multi-set calculation (GAW 2/00)
- Operator file for CO2 added (MB
Other significant changes are as follows:
- For SPHFBR, the operator "KE" is renamed "j^2"
(HDM 5/00)
- Some ANALYSE programs have been renamed (HDM
- plpot -> showpot
- rdden1d -> showd1d
- rdspf -> showspf
- rdrstspf -> showrst
- Path names given in input-files are now interpreted
relative to the path of the input-file, and not relative
to pwd. (HDM 3/00)
Various bugs have also been fixed, and minor code changes
made. These include:
- Bug when relaxation + exact + BS integrator (GAW
- Bug in power operation in LABELS-SECTION (GAW
- Bugs in showd1d. (HDM 5/00)
- Order of summing / sorting operator terms changed.
(GAW 5/00)
- Bugs in FBR routines. (GAW 5/00)
- Bug in morse operator. (GAW 5/00)
- Operators "dq" and "p" were not correctly used (MB
- The summation of operator terms changed so that terms
differing only in the coefficients are summed. (GAW
- Orthonormalisation procedure of the spf's changed
(HDM 3/00)
- Bug in generation of multi-dimensional operators
(GAW 3/00)
- Bug with keyword "angst-1" (MB 3/00)
- Bug with operators "dth1" and "dth2" (MB
Revision 6 (Feb 2000)
(Public: Feb 28, 2000)
This Revision was the first distributed package. The User's
Guide was started, and a user friendly installation procedure was
introduced. The POTFIT program has been thoroughly overhauled by
Stefan Wefing.
In addition to updates in the documentation, the following new
features have been added:
- An exact propagation can start from an MCTDH
wavefunction (GAW 12/99 )
- FBR integrals work for a general operator (GAW
- "veigen" keyword to write the eigenvalues and
functions of a 1D-operator to a file (GAW
- PARAMETER-SECTION can be read from .inp file. The
parameters can the be used for input. (GAW
- Possibility of diagonalising a user-defined 1D
Hamiltonian for the generation of the initial SPFs:
"eigenf" (GAW 11/99)
Various bugs have also been fixed, and minor code changes
made. These include:
- The generation of multi-dimensional operators
changed, so that operators do not need to span entire
system (partial-system operators) (GAW 12/99 )
- Changes made to summation of operator terms (GAW
- Changes made to generation of initial wavefunction
(GAW 11/99)
- Calculation of energy distribution for (a)diabatic
correction changed (SS 11/99)
- Terms in the Hamiltonian with a zero coefficient are
deleted (GAW 11/00)
Changes in
Version 8.0 (Jan 1999)
The following changes of the MCTDH code with respect to the
preceding version have been made.
The whole program was restructured and made more modular. The
MCTDH main program now calls four major routines - rundvr,
runoper, runinwf and runpropwf - which are quite
independent from each other. They build the DVR's, the operator,
the initial wave function and perform the propagation.
The following new features have been added.
- Numerically exact propagations can be performed.
(GAW 9/98)
- The multi-packet propagation was implemented. (MB
- Cross-correlation matrices can be computed. (MB
- Lanczos diagonalisation routine implemented. (MB
- Excited single-particle functions can be populated in
the initial wavefunction. (MB 5/99)
Changes in
Version 7.1 (Jan 1988)
The following changes of the MCTDH code with respect to the
preceding version have been made.
- An error estimate of the auto-correlation function
was introduced. (AR 2/98)
- An automatic program test has been written. (GAW
- Higher-order auto-correlation functions were
implemented. (MB 4/98)
Changes in
Version 7.0
The following changes of the MCTDH code with respect to the
preceding version have been made.
- A new input format using keywords has been
implemented. (GAW 7/97)
- A new operator format based on keywords has been
implemented. (GAW 7/97)
- Dynamical allocation is now possible. (HDM
- The error estimate for the Lanczos-Arnoldi integrator
was improved. (MB 7/97)
- An exponential DVR has been implemented. (HDM
- An FBR representation of spherical harmonics has been
established. (MCH 11/97)
Changes in
Version 6.4
The following changes of the MCTDH code with respect to the
preceding version have been made.
- The CMF step size can now be controlled using an
error estimate of the single-particle functions only.
(MB 2/97)
- In a CMF calculation the autocorrelation function can
now additionally be written to file in the middle between
two outputs. (MB 2/97)
Changes in
Version 6.3
The following changes of the MCTDH code with respect to the
preceding version have been made.
- The CMF method now allows adaptive step sizes. (MB
- The combination of interaction picture and CAPs has
been implemented. (GAW 11/96)
Changes in
Version 6.2
The following major changes of the MCTDH code with respect to
the preceding version have been made.
- Sine DVR has been implemented. (AJ 10/96)
- A Lanczos-Arnoldi integrator has been implemented.
(MB 10/96)
Changes in
Version 6.1
The following major changes of the MCTDH code with respect to
the preceding version have been made.
- CDVR has been implemented. (GAW 9/96)
- Products of single-particle operator matrices and
mean-field matrices are now summed up for potential
terms. (MB 10/96)